Making a Successful Application
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Making a Successful Application
Sadly, this Trust and Durham University can offer only two or three scholarships. Inevitably, some excellent candidates will not be successful. However, this website provides lots of information to help you make an effective application.
- Before starting to fill in the application form, the best candidates will read carefully through the form and all the information available on this website. Ask yourself, “What is this Trust looking for in applicants?” Then look broadly at your own experience and plans and select the points that will tell the Trust what it wishes to know.
- State clearly your aims and ambitions and describe how a Masters degree will help you to improve the lives of other Palestinians
- Write about your achievements, however small you may think they are, and particularly if they were made in difficult circumstances. Tell us if you are really enthusiastic about something either academically or in other spheres.
- In the sections about work experience and voluntary work, a list of job titles alone is not very informative. Tell us about your responsibilities, the problems you faced and what you feel you achieved, at least in your current or most recent job.
- A peculiarity of the British system is that universities want to know about your personality as well as about your academic ability. Details of your leisure interests and hobbies help to provide this broader picture.
- Finally, check that you have given all the required information on the application form. Omitting the name of the university at which you graduated, the years you studied there or your degree result (GPA % score) does not give a good impression.