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Apply for an IELTS Fee Scholarship

Apply for an IELTS Fee Scholarship

Why we are offering IELTS fee scholarships
We realise that some potential applicants for our Master’s Degree scholarships cannot afford to take a recognised English Language test. Thus, they are unable to apply for one of our Master’s Degree scholarships. Consequently, in 2025, we are offering at least five IELTS fee scholarships.

What is an IELTS fee scholarship?
It will cover the cost (currently 850 NIS) of registering to take an Academic IELTS in November 2025 and the cost of IELTS Practice Materials 1 and 2 (booklets and DVD). If you get a satisfactory IELTS score, you will then be eligible to apply for one of our Master’s Degree scholarships in 2026.

How to apply
If you wish to apply for one of these scholarships, please complete the application form, obtainable from the link below (after 01 December), and send it to [email protected] as an email attachment between 01 January and 23 February 2025. Please note that eligibility to apply for an IELTS fee scholarship is the same as eligibility to apply for a Master’s Degree scholarship (see here) except for the requirement to have a satisfactory IELTS score.

What happens then
If you are awarded an IELTS fee scholarship, we will expect you to research what is involved in the test (see here) and make the best possible preparation for the test using the Practice Materials we will buy for you and in other ways that are available to you (e.g. practice with a native English speaker and use the free materials on the IELTS website). British Council offices will have a list of the people for whom we are paying the IELTS registration fee but you will need to register to take the IELTS in November 2025 in the normal way. There are IELTS test centres in Gaza City, Al-Zahra, Hebron, Nablus and Ramallah.

Being awarded an IELTS fees scholarship and achieving a satisfactory test score will not guarantee you a place on our Master’s scholarship shortlist in 2025. It will simply remove an obstacle to you applying. Your Master’s scholarship application in 2026 will be considered alongside those of all other applicants.

Click the link below to get the application form for our 2025 IELTS fee scholarships
(n.b. the link will be available only between 05 December 2024 and 23 February 2025)